Logos & Brand Standards

Logo Downloads

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Logo Color Scheme

Colors in CMYK, RGB and HEX Equivalents
At times, it may not be possible to print these colors as Pantone colors. Below are suggested equivalents.
c:100 m:46 y:2 k:0
r:0 g:117 b:201
c:0 m:14 y:100 k:0
r:254 g:219 b:0

Use on Different Backgrounds

Light Background/Full Color Logo

It is best to use the logo on a white or light tinted background. This background should be no darker than a 40% tint of black and contain no colors that conflict with the logo color.

Light Background/Black Logo

It is also acceptable to use the alternative black logo on a white or light tinted background.

Photograph/Full Color Logo

The full-color logo may be used on a photograph with certain precautions. The image must be no darker than a 40% tint of black. The image must not have a great deal of contrast (no more than 20%) in the area covered by the logo and the clear space surrounding it.

Black or Dark Background/Reversed Logo

If the background is darker than a 40% tint of black, the reversed logo should be used so that the logo “drops out” to white.


Unacceptable Logo Usage

Do not use any colors other than those specified.

Do not condense, expand or distort the logo in any way.

Do not stack or separate the icon.

Do not apply a shadow to the logo.

Do not add an outline of any kind around the logo. If the background is too dark to use the full-color or black version of the logo, please use the reversed version.