Portable Eyewash Station – OSHA Term

OSHA Notification Sign

OSHA requires that convenient fixed or portable eyewash stations be placed in any workplace where corrosive chemicals are used.  Eyewash stations are in place to flush a person’s eyes in case a foreign material like a chemical gets in them.

Eyewash stations and portable eyewash stations come with common directions, hazmat placards must also come with these hazardous chemicals, that are to be used in case of a mishap.

  1. Go Immediately to the Eyewash Station – Do not hesitate. If a chemical splashes in your eyes, time is important.
  2. Begin to Flush your eyes with water from the eyewash station.
  3. Hold Your Eyes Open with your fingers.
  4. Roll Your Eyes frequently.
  5. Flush your eyes for fifteen minutes.
  6. Remove contact lenses if you have them.
  7. Seek immediate medical help.

Eyewash Station

Eyewash stations are either connected to freshwater pipelines or they use stored water from a built-in tank.  Freshwater eye stations are often connected to a faucet that will need to be turned on for usage. A stored water eyewash station may have a hand pump or it may rely on gravity to force water out to the eye flush outlets.

All eyewash stations should be placed at convenient locations particularly near areas where hazardous chemicals may be in use.

Portable eyewash stations should be part of a Safety Manager’s routine audits.  It is important to turn eyewash stations on at least once a week to flush pipeline sediment.

The water inside a portable eyewash station should be changed frequently to avoid the growth of contaminants. 

Eyewash Station Requirements

  • During a regular safety audit, a quick checklist should be used. 
  • Are the water jets working properly?
  • Is the running water or stored water clear?
  • Is the area near the eyewash station obstructed in any way?
  • Are there any leaks on the eyewash station?

Having Eyewash stations available is an OSHA requirement.  Keeping eyewash stations clear of contaminants by inspection and water changing is a good idea.

Saferack cares about the safety of your employees and your company.  Saferack has been providing advice and safety products for companies for over 20 years.  If your company is ready to add more eyewash capability we can help you. Call SafeRack today.