G4 gangway installation for venting and sampling during bottom loading

Many companies routinely ship dry goods, liquids, and gases in tanker trucks. These substances are often hazardous and can pose serious risks to drivers and employees. For instance, chemical burns, breathing in dangerous chemicals, and static discharge that can cause a fire or explosion.

loading gangway

The two biggest safety hazards that employees and drivers face both involve attempts to access the top of the tanker truck – falling off the top of the tanker or falling while climbing a side ladder. Facing these exact challenges and looking for a means of venting and sampling during bottom loading, the owner of a large plant contacted the SafeRack team to inquire about a truck gangway.

The team installed a SafeRack G4 series truck gangway. The OHSA-compliant truck gangway features slip-resistant walk surfaces, safety handrails, and safety cages that provide safe and efficient access to the tops of tankers in two separate bays. Employees report that the truck gangway has made their jobs easier and more enjoyable.