Tank farm retaining wall crossover stair installation for Procter & Gamble fertilizer facility

Industrial facilities, such as fertilizer plants, can be treacherous for workers who have to navigate the often uneven and dangerous landscape. However, by installing access stairs throughout the facility, you can reduce the risks posed to your employees and improve worker safety.

crossover stairs for fertilizer facility

Navigating any tank farm can be like traversing an uneven obstacle course – with access stairs and crossover platforms required to get around the facility landscape! Tank farms like this in New Mexico, enormous in size and usually constructed out of concrete, often occupy land far outside the city and directly adjacent to important waterways.

Despite the sturdy facilities that tank farms are built upon, the landscape that tank farms cover is often uneven– a result of lengthy pipelines snaking through the site, as well as spill containment structures essential to protect the environment in case of hazardous material leaks. In some cases, tank farm managers have had to tailor their landscape plans to accommodate topography and terrain irregularities that arise even when specific safety structures are installed. Tank farms can now provide safer premises with pipe crossovers and access platform solutions tailored to uneven landscapes thanks to these measures.

There are several potential worker safety risks in an agrochemical tank farm, including:

  • Chemical exposure: Fertilizers can be toxic and cause serious health effects if inhaled or ingested. Workers in a fertilizer tank farm may be exposed to chemicals through inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact.
  • Fire and explosion: Fertilizers are highly flammable and can easily ignite if they come into contact with heat or open flames. In a fertilizer tank farm, the risk of fire or explosion can be particularly high due to the large quantities of fertilizer being stored and handled.
  • Falls: Workers in a fertilizer tank farm may be required to work at heights, such as when inspecting or cleaning tanks or equipment. Falls from heights can result in serious injuries or even death.
  • Musculoskeletal disorders: Fertilizer tank farm workers may be required to perform tasks that involve heavy lifting, repetitive motions, or awkward postures. These tasks can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, such as back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, or tendonitis.
  • Stress and fatigue: Fertilizer tank farm work can be physically and mentally demanding, and workers may be required to work long hours in challenging conditions. This can lead to stress and fatigue and impair workers’ ability to perform their tasks safely and effectively.

The tank farm can be scary, with its range of act-of-God disasters, including leaks and ruptures that spill their contents all over the floor, tanks overflowing like an out-of-control cocktail party – not to mention pesky valve or fitting malfunctions. What do companies need to do to keep their workers safe in these tank farms?

Procter & Gamble is a powerhouse when it comes to keeping households stocked with every imaginable item. From toiletries and food products to our trusty laundry soaps and detergents – P&G has got you covered! With over 30 manufacturing plants and tank farms all around the US, this company sure knows how to keep us well supplied.

For various reasons, a consumer goods company like Procter & Gamble may be interested in a fertilizer facility. For example, the company may use ingredients derived from agricultural products that are produced using fertilizers. By having a direct interest in a fertilizer facility, the company can ensure a steady supply of high-quality fertilizers for its agricultural operations. Additionally, owning or investing in a fertilizer facility may provide the company with a new source of revenue and help diversify its business.

Access stairs can benefit a fertilizer facility by improving worker safety in several ways:

  1. Access stairs provide a safe and stable surface for workers to use when accessing tanks and other equipment at heights. This can help reduce the risk of falls, which can cause serious injuries or even death.
  2. Access stairs can help improve ergonomics by providing workers with an easy and safe way to climb up and down from tanks and other equipment. Good ergonomics may reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders arising from climbing ladders or other improvised means of accessing heights.
  3. Access stairs can help improve the overall safety of a fertilizer facility by providing workers with a clearly marked and designated route for accessing equipment at heights, reducing the risk of confusion or accidents.

Overall, access stairs provide an important layer of safety for workers when accessing tanks or other equipment at heights in petroleum storage facilities. They are designed to be sturdy and durable to withstand the tough conditions of a tank farm and help ensure that workers can safely access equipment at heights without risk of injury or harm. Access stairs provide an important tool for companies to help keep their workers safe and healthy while also improving the overall efficiency of their operations.

In addition to providing an effective means for accessing tanks and other equipment at heights, access stairs also help reduce risk when working in hazardous areas. Metal stairs provide a safe way for workers to enter and exit tanks, helping to avoid slips, trips, or falls that could lead to serious injury or death.

Access stairs are vital additions to any fertilizer facility because they improve worker safety and help avoid costly accidents. If you’re interested in installing access stairs, we can help. We offer various options to choose from, so you can find the perfect fit for your needs. Contact Saferack today to learn more about our products and how we can help you keep your workers safe.